Truthfully, one "serving size" of any packaged food is not satisfying. If you really want to feel full and contented after indulging in processed snack foods of any variety, here's a handy conversion for you.
1. Take the "recommended" serving size
2. Multiply it by 1.5
3. You're done.
I know, that one seems difficult, but it works. Every time. Two Fig Newtons, Bryan Regan? As much as I too enjoy eating them by the sleeve, I can stop after three and not be miserable for the rest of the day. If I go to four, well, I'm probably going to be miserable for a completely different reason. Wash id down with an 8oz glass of milk? Try 12oz, you'll feel better. Ever notice you always have a little soda left in that 20oz bottle you really need to belch before chugging down? That's because it's 2oz more than the 18 your wanted when a 12 was too little.
Look, I'm not saying it was right of me to eat that entire box of Spongebob-shaped Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for breakfast at three o'clock, I'm just saying it seemed a shame to waste that last recommended serving when it wouldn't satisfy even once after this.
Zeta Gundam Set the Legacy Sequel Blueprint
1 hour ago
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