Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Craigslist | Wanted: One Full Time Job, Non-Sexual, No Inuendos

Looking for full-time positions on Craigslist is almost a wasted effort, really. Mostly, it's scams, prostitutes, and just generally uncommunicative people seeking someone to help their unnamed companies become more communicative, which makes it rather difficult to tell them apart from the scams and sometimes even the more poorly-written hooker ads.

Plus, after combing through all the lousy jobs, and cycling through the relevant posts to weed out the one's you''re not qualified for, you're left with a list of "good enough" leads you really don't want to be looking at anymore, and an entire website where you could be finding great deals on moped parts or lightly-used kitchen appliances. And what of all the animals free to good homes? Surely I'm a good home. I could better use my time helping starving kitties find love and support, why should I start applying to entry level positions at companies that can't even use the internet reliably?

Because cats don't pay me $32,000 a year to love them. Sadly.


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